Welcome to the Weekly Digest!
Below you will find resources to help you on your journey through the Book of Psalms. We've provided you with a reading plan for the upcoming week, journaling prompts, a weekly Spotify playlist, and ideas for prayer. Be sure to check in every week to see what we have for you next as we continue to enrich our journey through the Psalms.
Reading Plan September 5th through September 11th
Psalms11-15. Reflect on Psalm 19 in preparation for Sunday's teaching. You can download the reading guide for the entire series here.
Scripture Memorization
Scripture memorization is an important discipline to introduce to our lives as a way to actively hide God's word in our heart. It allows us to not only internalize the text, but to share that truth with others more readily.
Memory Verses for September: Psalms 27:4-5 ESV
One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.
5 For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.
Journal Prompts
* A quick note on journaling: if you're new to this practice, our journey through the book of Psalms will be a great way to get started. The most important step to forming this discipline in your life is to write anything and write often. Journaling is an incredible way to slow down, digest the content of a text, let your brain internalize thoughts that may come up, and keep a record for future reflection on what God was speaking to you during your reading. Journaling can take many forms such as written prayers, bullet points, stream of consciousness, or even poetry. Try some different methods and find the one that works best for you.
Describe a time when you got frustrated with someone over a breakdown in communication.
King David was able to get real with God about the junk in his life, but he seemed to filter it through the truth of God's character and his identity in him. Which aspect do you seem to struggle with the most and why?
Learning to wait on the Lord is a skill that should be continuously worked on throughout our journey of becoming and belonging. What are some daily rhythms you can begin practicing this week to help you grow?
Read Hebrews 10:35-36 and Psalm 3:6-8
With all his failures, David seemed to have an incredible confidence in the Lord. Where do you draw your confidence from and how might the Lord be calling you to walk in the confidence of His faithfulness today?
Think of moments of trials and tribulations in your life. The Psalmist says in “In the lord, I take
refuge”. Reflect on where or what you have ran to in the past, seeking refuge from the
circumstances you were facing.
Sometimes, the circumstances of life can be so overwhelming in the moment that our present
knowledge of God, his righteousness and faithfulness, doesn’t still our desire to flee and hide.
Sometimes our panic, anxiety, and unrest overwhelm us, and we forget these truths about God.
The only thing though that combats this, the only way we grow out of this, is to “behold his face”
as the Psalmist says - which means that we essentially grow deeper in our knowing of His great
love that he has for us, and in turn, our relationship with Him grows. Find three different pieces
of Scripture that point to His steadfast love for us, and meditate on how His love for us creates
and assurance and peace in the midst of the trials and tribulations.
There is a choice that every believer living in this world faces: to be distracted and disoriented
by the word of man, or to rest fully and completely on the Word of God. Write down some lies
from “the word of man” that you have heard that has caused or is causing you to be angry,
confused, or doubt the word of God. Look up Scripture that counters those lies that you have
When we see and hear these things from the world our response to the word of man should be
to look to the Word of God that is keeping and guarding us. Journal some ways that you can
stand firm in truth and stand for truth that does not imitate the world but reflects Christ.
It’s important to speak honestly to God, and the psalmist reflects that by venting his heart and
frustrations to God. It may seem odd to do this if you have never done this before, but express
your frustrations to God honestly and openly. Vent to him and do not hold back, and then after
you have openly vented to him, list five reasons that he is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.
Sometimes it just feels like God is not present - how do you go about your life and your faith in
these moments of silence?
All of creation is evidence of a Creator. Take some time to list out creation that points to God for
In verse three that Psalmist says that “none do good”, and then later in verse 7 he says that
salvation comes out of Zion which points to God’s holy dwelling place and also implies that the
salvation is the coming Savior - Jesus. Knowing that our salvation comes only from God through
Jesus and nothing else should change how we view everything. Reflect and look at your heart
and see if you truly view God as the sole proponent of your faith. Look at your heart and see
whether or not you have been taking any pride in your justification or sanctification. If you have,
ask God for forgiveness and list out ways in which he has saved you from your unholiness.
This Psalm is broken into two pieces. The first piece is verse one whether David speaks of God
has the host of those who dwell with him on his Holy Hill. The holy hill is referencing Zion - a
common reference throughout the Psalms and Old Testament as it is symbolic of those who are
“citizens of God’s Kingdom”. And the question that is asked by David is one that we ask often
times in our walk. What must I do to be saved? What must someone do to be saved? Journal
down things that you have thought in the past about what you must do to be saved.
The second piece of this Psalm is the rest of the Psalm where David lays out what a Citizen of
Zion must do. So first, go through each of these “requirements” and journal of a time you did or
did not do these. As I do this myself, I always become discouraged because of the simple fact
that I fail daily as I strive to be a Citizen of God’s holy hill. And yet, we have a humble
confidence that we are righteous, we are holy, we are God’s people - not because of these
things, but because of Christ. Take some time, and find as many passages that point to our
Righteousness and our holiness that is gained through faith in Christ. Write them out, meditate
on them, and then praise God that he has made a way where there was seemingly no way.
Praise God that we are God’s guest because of the invitation that Christ sent out.
“O God, I feel the rising menace of sin: degeneracy in society, disorder in lives around me, sickness, death. None of the precautions I take seems adequate. Deliver me from my fears and lift up my head! Amen.”