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Weekly Digest - May 22nd

Welcome to the Weekly Digest!

Below you will find resources to help you on your journey through the Book of Psalms. We've provided you with a reading plan for the upcoming week, journaling prompts, a weekly Spotify playlist, and ideas for prayer. Be sure to check in every week to see what we have for you next as we continue to enrich our journey through the Psalms.

Reading Plan May 22nd - May 28th

Psalms 136-140. Read and reflect on Psalm 146 in preparation for Sunday, May 29th's teaching. You can download the reading guide for the entire Psalms series here.

Scripture Memorization

Scripture memorization is an important discipline to introduce to our lives as a way to actively hide God's word in our heart. It allows us to not only internalize the text, but to share that truth with others more readily.

Memory Verses for May: Psalm 139:23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart!

Try me and know my thoughts!

And see if there be any grievous way in me,

and lead me in the way everlasting!

Journal Prompts

* A quick note on journaling: if you're new to this practice, our journey through the book of Psalms will be a great way to get started. The most important step to forming this discipline in your life is to write anything and write often. Journaling is an incredible way to slow down, digest the content of a text, let your brain internalize thoughts that may come up, and keep a record for future reflection on what God was speaking to you during your reading. Journaling can take many forms such as written prayers, bullet points, stream of consciousness, or even poetry. Try some different methods and find the one that works best for you.

Journal Prompts / Discussion Questions from Today's Teaching

What is the difference between the communicable attribute of God and the incommunicable

attributes of God?

In your words define each of the incommunicable attributes of God as referenced in Psalm 139.

o God’s Omniscience

o God’s Omnipresence

o God’s Omnipotence

David is careful to point out the difference between God just knowing your actions and knowing

you. In your words what does David mean by this?

What does David mean when he relates the truth that God is all present?

In relating the truth that God is all powerful the Psalmist references human conception and

birth. Why?

How are you doing in…

o Hating what is evil?

o Loving people peacefully?

o Submitting to God’s scrutiny and guidance?

Journal Prompts / Discussion Questions for This Week's Reading

Psalm 136

Psalm 136 contains the people’s thanks towards God based on the infinite evidences of God’s steadfast love towards them

Contemplate and make a list of as many possible reasons from big to small that reveal God’s steadfast love towards you.

How often do you spend a large portion of your time and thought thanking God?

Why do you think it important to spend so much time thanking God and showing gratitude?

Psalm 137

Life is not endless Joy. We have Joy because we have Jesus, but we don’t always feel that Joy, especially when our position is unfavorable and our perspective is clouded by what is around us.

Do you struggle to live in this world that we are “exiles” of?

Do you struggle to experience Joy when you see the brokenness of the world on display around you?

This Psalm shows that even though they are exiled to Babylon, home is not a location but a heart position.

How do we actively and constantly position our heart to be in Jesus rather than in the world we physically live in and interact with?

Psalm 138

It seems as if giving thanks to God seems to be an instrumental aspect to our faith, and most importantly, to the renovation of our heart.

What does it look like to give thanks with your whole heart?

What can striving to thank God with your whole heart transform and renew your Mind, body, and Soul?

What do you have on our heart that you need to contend for to God? Spend time praying and contending for the burdens of your heart.

Psalm 139

Read through this Psalm multiple times (at least 3 times). Saturate yourself with these words.

Spend time praying for God to search you. Spend time recognizing God’s ever-presence to you and in you. Spend time rejoicing that you have been fearfully and wonderfully made and that you have intrinsic worth not because of who you are but because of who God says you are

Are God’s thoughts precious to you? How much time in a day do you spend seeking out his voice?

How often do you find your faith in cruise control? Are you working to stretch your faith daily?

Spend time praying for God to search you, expose lies you have been believing, to test your faith so that it may be more precious than gold, and to provide a deep and unquenchable desire to know him and pursue every aspect of him forever.

Psalm 140

What do you need God to deliver you from?

What do you need God to guard you from?

Does it feel like God hears you? Does it feel like God is preparing and equipping you?

Pray for one person to reach out to that could help to prepare and equip you and walk alongside you in this journey towards Jesus.


Lord, I see through a glass darkly; I am full of obscurities and shadows. You are the light of the world. Show me what I am in the light of your love so that I may find myself in your way and in your salvation. Amen.

This Week's Playlist


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