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Weekly Digest - February 13th

Welcome to the Weekly Digest!

Below you will find resources to help you on your journey through the Book of Psalms. We've provided you with a reading plan for the upcoming week, journaling prompts, a weekly Spotify playlist, and ideas for prayer. Be sure to check in every week to see what we have for you next as we continue to enrich our journey through the Psalms.

Reading Plan February 13th - March 5th

Psalms 91-95. Read and reflect on Psalm 90 in preparation for Sunday, March 6th's teaching. You can download the reading guide for the entire series here. We will be taking a brief break from Psalms on Sunday, February 20th and 27th for our Becoming and Belonging mini-series.

Scripture Memorization

Scripture memorization is an important discipline to introduce to our lives as a way to actively hide God's word in our heart. It allows us to not only internalize the text, but to share that truth with others more readily.

Memory Verses for February: Psalm 84:1-2

How lovely is your dwelling place,

Lord Almighty!

My soul yearns, even faints,

for the courts of the Lord;

my heart and my flesh cry out

for the living God.

Journal Prompts

* A quick note on journaling: if you're new to this practice, our journey through the book of Psalms will be a great way to get started. The most important step to forming this discipline in your life is to write anything and write often. Journaling is an incredible way to slow down, digest the content of a text, let your brain internalize thoughts that may come up, and keep a record for future reflection on what God was speaking to you during your reading. Journaling can take many forms such as written prayers, bullet points, stream of consciousness, or even poetry. Try some different methods and find the one that works best for you.

Journal Prompts / Discussion Questions from Today's Teaching

Explain the diagram below as it relates to Psalm 89. Put into words a moment in your life where you experienced the tension described in Psalm 81.

What I Believe - Tension - What I See

How does Psalm 89 and Romans 3:3-4 help In processing those times in our lives where what we thought would last forever is gone.

What is God wanting me to know?

What is God wanting me to do?

Journal Prompts / Discussion Questions for This Week's Reading


Psalm 91 is all about the threats and dangers that lie for us in this world while providing a reminder of where we find our refuge and protection when we face them.

- The Psalmist uses words like “dwell” and “abide” to describe our interaction with God as our

refuge. What does it mean to abide in something? (Attempt to find other passages that use the

same word)

- When is a time in your life when you can point to and say “I was dwelling in or abiding in God

here”? Why is it a struggle to abide in him at times?

- How do we practically abide in Christ?


Look at the subheading of this Psalm that says “A Song for the Sabbath”. Read the psalm with the perspective that this helps us to fully rest.

Verse 8 says “… but you, O LORD, are on high forever.” You oh God, are higher than any other thing.

- What tends to be higher than God in your own life?

If anything is higher than God, or even on the same level as God, the Sabbath will be almost impossible for you. So, maybe a better question to ask than “what is higher than God in your life” is more so “what prevents you from taking a day of rest?”

- For the Psalmist, nothing is higher than God, and his knowing of that truth comes out of his

knowing of who God is.

o Work to find three passages that reveal an aspect or attribute of God

o Work to find three passages that show God’s supreme exaltation

Challenge: Spend one day this week resting from work (doesn’t mean you sit on the couch all day) focusing on worshiping God intentionally all day.


- How does God reigning over all things, peoples, and countries bring peace to you?

- Do you trust God and what he has said? Why or why not?


Psalm 93 and 94 go together in that they work to provide a picture of God’s sovereignty and our

response to his sovereignty in the midst of the troubles of life. I think most of us know that God is in control, but often times situations in our life draw us from that truth and onto our present situation making it seem larger than that of the sovereignty of God.

- What is a situation in your life that caused you to doubt the sovereignty of God?

- How did you come back to trust in His Sovereignty?

Read verse 12 where it says “Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom you teach out of your law… for the Lord will not forsake his people”

God disciplines those he loves as a loving Father or Mother will correct their children when they do something wrong so that they can continue to grow and mature in the godly direction.

- What is your view of discipline from how you experienced it growing up?

- Do you think God disciplines his people, and if so how does his discipline differ from his

judgment and punishment to the wicked?

Take a final moment in this psalm to rest in the words that the LORD will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage.


Psalm 95 calls us to worship God with Joy, reverence, and obedience.

- Journal or talk of a moment when you worshipped God out of Joy

- Journal or talk of a moment when you worshipped God out of reverence for who he is or what he created

- Journal or talk of a moment when you worshipped God in obedience even when you did not

want to worship or praise him

- Which one do you do most frequently? Why?


Take the incidents in my life, dear God, that I interpret as your rejection and disapproval, and show me how they are consistent with your covenant love, used by your Spirit for my salvation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

This Week's Playlist


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