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That You May Believe - September 29th

Updated: Oct 1, 2019

That You May Believe - Week 3 Recap

The beautiful thing about grace is that it not only covers the very worst of our lives, it also covers those times when we have tried our best, and our best is not good enough. Have you ever been there?

Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 2 is attending a wedding in which He and His disciples were invited. Then in the middle of the celebration, the wine runs out, and it's a need that would seem to be impossible to meet physically. Whose responsibility was it to provide enough wine for the guest? It was the responsibility of the groom. Did the groom purposely set out to sabotage his wedding ceremony? Was this an oversight on his part in preparing for the celebration. Was he working on a budget and had exhausted all of his resources? We often talk about the deliberate neglect of our lives, and yes, grace does cover that, but what about the moments when our best efforts are just not enough? What about the times when you fail in a valiant struggle? You have worked diligently to repair a relationship, and it just won't work? In those moments of our lives, Jesus shows up with a miracle.

Miracle's should be defined. If not, we walk away from this type of conversation doubting God because the miracle was not our desired outcome. There are times like this story where Jesus turns water into wine, and then there are times when Jesus comforts us in our lack. Are not they both a miracle in their own way? The purpose of miracles is that miracles are not about us; they have never been about us. Miracles like abundance or comfort serve as a catalyst causing us to focus on the source of the miracle. John chapter 2 and verse 11 says, "This, the first of His signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested His glory. And the disciples believed in Him."

The greatest miracle of the wedding at Cana is that Jesus always provides the very best and His very best is far greater than wine, His best provided at the wedding was grace. There is not a reprimand given for the shortage of wine; there is just a physical need met by a loving savior revealing the gracious heart of the Father.

Grace covers our darkest and wickedest sins and likewise covers our gallant efforts when they likewise fall short.

Why did the wine run out? The proper question to ask here is, who are you trusting in when the wine runs out and when that moment arrives are you convinced that Jesus loves you to the extent that He will do the very best for your life.


John 2:1-25

2 Corinthians 9:8

John 1:16

Let's Chat

Let's keep the conversation going. Use the following questions to discuss with your family, friends, or discussion group.

1. Recount a moment in your life when you feel God provided abundance and then a moment when you feel God provided comfort? List the details of those two moments below.

2. Recall a moment when you supposed that God could not or would not hear your request for assistance thus you felt He provided nothing?

3. How difficult was it for you to be transparent and honest with God concerning the situation in which you were supposedly unheard?

At times we miss the miracle because we're waiting for the water to turn into wine and the most productive miracle for our life is comfort in the middle of lack. Miracles are not about us; they are about Him.

Have the above discussion with a friend or mentor for clarity. Open your mind to the truth that God is loving, kind, and gracious both in the moments He turns water into wine and in the moments when He brings comfort in our lack.

Your understanding of God's heart through the lens of His son Jesus determines how you navigate this difficult discussion. Don't be too hard on yourself; this is messy and inconsistent for all.

Miss Sunday?

If you didn't get a chance to hear Sunday's message, check out the link below to watch. (Sunday message videos are usually available Sunday afternoon.)


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