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That You May Believe - November 10th

That You May Believe - Week 9 Recap

Last week we asked whether we can become so familiar with Jesus that we forget who he is? This week we continue with a similar train of thought by simply asking why? Knowing the intent of our thoughts and actions has a profound impact on what we believe.

Up until chapter 5, we read about Jesus, who is highly misunderstood and invokes various responses by those he encounters. The response so far has not been aggressive, until now. Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath, and it challenges the very rules and traditions that the religious leaders have devoted their lives to following. It wasn’t by accident, either. Jesus purposely healed this man on the Sabbath, knowing that it would challenge the system they created. Why? Because although these Pharisees and teachers of the law knew the Torah front and backward, even adding hundreds of additional rules, they were still missing the point.

The very scriptures they devoted to studying, and traditions they upheld became an end to themselves. Jesus knew that these people had elevated their own traditions above the point of truly understanding the God behind the law.

If we are honest with ourselves, we have all been guilty of missing the point. We can allow our motives to go unchecked, and before we know it, we have devoted more time and energy into a project, attitude, or overall way of life than we would like to admit. Many of the Pharisees were so caught up in their man-made laws and traditions that they lost sight of what was good and right. Jesus implied in Mark 3:4 that the Sabbath is a day to do good. God provided the Sabbath as a day of rest and worship, but he didn’t mean that concern for rest should keep us from lifting a finger to help others

What’s the point? The point is that God loves us and wants us to truly know him. He gave us his Son that through him we might experience.


John 5:1-47

Mark 2:23-28

Luke 6:6-11



The Unsaved Christian – Dean Inserra

Let's Chat

Let's keep the conversation going. Use the following questions to discuss with your family, friends, or Connection Group.

1. What are some traditions and values that you cling tightly to? How do they point to Christ or reflect His heart for you as a child of God?

2. What is the spiritual temperature of your own heart? Your own household? Hope Fellowship? Anderson community? Do you live in a place where Jesus is admired but not worshiped?

Miss Sunday?

If you didn't get a chance to hear Sunday's message, check out the link below to watch. (Sunday message videos are usually available Sunday afternoon.)


Service Times

Sundays 9 & 11 AM

HopeKids offered during both services
HopeYouth Middle School offered at the 11 AM service

Office Hours

Tues – Thurs | 9 AM – 4 PM

Fri | 9 AM – 12 PM

213 Brown Road, Anderson, SC 29621 | (864) 226-5445 |

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