Welcome to a Special Edition Daily Digest!
During Holy Week we have six special Daily Digest Devotions for you. These devotions will be posted at 6am daily from Monday, April 11th through Saturday, April 16th. In addition to the Daily Digest, tune in to Facebook Live each day at noon for a discussion of the day's topic.
Scripture Reading
Hebrews 7:25
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.
When ask the question; What is Good Friday all about our mind immediately goes to
what we have registered as the traditional definition of the day on the liturgical calendar.
A day set aside to reflect and remember the work of Christ on the cross. The cross
being the centrical icon of the Christian faith. That definition would be doctrinally sound
on all levels. But, for a moment can we just build that definition of this holy day out for
the purpose of greater understanding?
The passion of the writer of Hebrews is so evident in this passage regarding Christ's
ability to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God. The most powerful truth in
this text is the two words “through Him”. That this ability to be loved to the uttermost by
God, saved by Him as well is only accomplished through the work of Christ on the
cross. That is what Good Friday is about. It’s not that just our sins are forgiven through
the redemptive works of Christ on the cross but a way is made for us in all of our
imperfection to once again draw near to the Father through the Son.
That we have fellowship with God the Father and no longer have to settle with a distant
relationship, that He is no longer a distant thought, but He has become a near and
present reality through the works of Christ on the cross. That is what Good Friday is
This drawing near is not like those of the Old Testament as they attempted through
building a tower, not through personal achievement, it’s not going to church or
responding to an altar invitation. It’s a work of our hearts. It’s not moving locations, but it
is the direction our heart through the work of the cross. That’s what Good Friday is about.
The Father is providing the invitation to draw near to Him and when we draw near to
Him, when we direct our hearts toward Him, then He is able to save to the uttermost.
This is the very essence of the gospel that Christ came into this world to make a way for
us to come to God. To be saved to the uttermost and not destroyed by His holiness.
If you have ever questioned the love of God for you then take a moment on this Good
Friday and consider the cost that He incurred to make a way for you to draw near to
Him. A way to save you to the uttermost. That’s what Good Friday is all about.
When you hear those words “He is able to save to the uttermost” what does that mean to you
What does it mean to draw near to God through Christ and that being the condition for being
saved to the uttermost.? Does that make this event in our lives conditional on works or grace?
How does the Father initiate this relationship through the work of the cross?
Have you ever questioned the love of God? How does Hebrews 7:25 and Good Friday change
Join Pastor Mark today at noon on Facebook Live for a discussion of today's devotion.