Take a few moments to discuss or ponder on the following questions in relation to today's message.
1. What occupies the first minutes of my day?
2. How much of what occupies those first minutes is negative? How has that led to worry,
anxiousness and discouragement?
3. What can I do differently in those moments?
4. If the following are markers of followers of Christ (along with a good dose of grace)
according to Paul, then how am I doing? Ok (I’ve got this) Not so ok (room for
Rejoicing in the Lord. _____________
Having my gentleness known to everyone. ____________
Living like the Lord is near. ____________
Prayer. (acknowledging my total dependence on God) __________
Thanksgiving. (recognizing that everything is a gift from God) _____________
Allowing the peace of God to guard my heart. _____________
When I get this wrong or get this right, I live with the realization that the God
of peace is with me. He never abandons me when I struggle. This is a journey, and God
meets me exactly where I am.