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Advent Devotional December 21st

A Promise Realized in the Middle.

Isaiah 2:1-5, Isaiah 9:1-7

The phrase "in the latter (last) days" is an expression used to communicate an unspecified time in the future. Some might say that it refers to the new age at the end of history and others a time within history. Isaiah is consistent in referring to a time that will occur "within" history. This phrase is a statement of great hope and anticipation. In a day of devastation and desperation, the prophet is able to see a day when God's design for His creation will come to fulfillment. A time where all injustices will be corrected, all wrongs will be righted- the Second Advent, the imminent return of Christ the King.

We are not there yet; we live in the "already," the now of our existence. Isaiah reminds us to hope for what is to come but live in the hope of the "already." Isaiah 2:5 "O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord." "Let us walk in the light of the Lord" is an invitation to live in the hope of the "already." Christ has invaded the darkness of this world and, more exclusively, the darkness of our lives. This is a direct reflection of the Father's heart, an image of His character and nature.

It is a promise realized in the middle of "the already but not yet." God meets us where we are with great light in the middle of great darkness. In the middle of uncertain times, as we

live, He meets us with divine certainty. It is a promise hoped for, and a promise realized.

It is the Father's delight to bring "The Light" into our darkness. It is His delight to bring joy into our sadness. It is His delight to give strength for our weaknesses. The Father delights in making a way for us through the arrival of His Son Jesus. Lastly, the Father delights in bringing great confidence to our lives. This confidence is not based on our ability but solely on His awesomeness.

We live in the hope of the moment, through the arrival of The Light of Christ, and wait with great anticipation for His imminent return as the culmination of all that is redemptive.

Dive in:

1. If waiting for the “not yet” is an opportunity given to us by the Father to strengthen our faith, then what is He teaching you in your waiting?

2. Isaiah enlightens us to the character and nature of the Father that He delights in us by bringing light into our darkness, joy into our sadness, strength into our weakness, and confidence for our lives. In light of these facts, how do we specifically find hope for the immediate circumstances of our life?


Service Times

Sundays 9 & 11 AM

HopeKids offered during both services
HopeYouth Middle School offered at the 11 AM service

Office Hours

Tues – Thurs | 9 AM – 4 PM

Fri | 9 AM – 12 PM

213 Brown Road, Anderson, SC 29621 | (864) 226-5445 |

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